Getting to know me
Name? Lyana
Age? 16 y/o
Birthdate? 13 February 1994
Height? 163cm
Zodiac Sign? Aquarius
Left or Right Handed: Right handed
Colour: Green
Drunk: No
Smoked: No
Done drugs: No
Been arrested: No
Cut your own hair: No
Burnt stuff caus you were bored: Yes
Danced in the rain: No
Had a long distance relationship: Yes
Broken a bone: No
Been in an Accident: Yes
Been in Love: Yes
Kissed opposite sex: No
Kissed same sex: No
Believe in Yourself: Yes
Want to go to College: Yes
Want to Get Married: Yes
Get Along With Your Siblings: Yes
Play an Instrument: Yes
Keep a Diary/Journal: Yes
Roll Your Tongue in a Circle: Yes
Write With Both Hands: No
Who Is Your Longest Friend & How Long:
Najihah. We’ve been friends for 9 years already.
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight: No
Do You Know All The Words to the National Anthem: Yes
Have You Ever Smoked Peanut Shells: No
Last Time You Swam in a Pool: When I was 14
If You Were a Crayon What Colour Would You Be: Green for sure
Been to the mall lately : Yes
Ever caught a Fish: No
Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
Mc Donald's or Burger King? Mc Donald’s
Summer or Winter? Summer
Bestfriend? Sharifah Naimmah
Age? 16 y/o
Where did you Meet? SMK Cochrane
What made you guys best friends? Attitude
Last time you guys talked? 17 February 2010
Kiss? No !
Spend time with? Friends
Single Or Taken? Single
If Single, are you interested in Someone? Yes
Who? Secret :P
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you care about them? 9
what has been the farthest place you've gone to?
where do you don't want to go?
Would you be able to survive if all of your electronics broke? No !
Do you own a Cell Phone? Yes
Do you read the Bible? No