Lipas !

Hr ni mmg best. spupu rmai ade. dorg mari jauh dr kelantan. yeahh ! sumpah happy ble dorg dtg. Well, spe tak excited ble jmpe spupu spupu yg happening ! Dorg dtg ni punn sbb nk hntr cucu sulong Mok Som ( nenek ak la tu ) pegy USIM. mcm tak cye gle dy dahh msk U. Then kbetulan jgk, nenek ipar ak mninggal dunie sbb cancer. innalillahiwainnalillahirrajiun. ak tak pna punn jmp dy. hmm.. otw balek, tgh kabut nk smyg zohor, hehe.. tak smyg zohor lg maa, ttbe tayar spare trcabot ( kete pkck ak ) sbb kne besi sesat tgh highway tu. woo~ so dangerous ! tyr tu and then melantun-lantun tgh highway tu smpai trkene kete wira 'tokpek' mne nth. nsb bek pmpuan yg drive. mke dy punn nmpk cuak gle time tu. Ktorg tde rugi ppe. Kete tokpek tu jela yg punah terok bhg depan tp dy bole kelim insurans. so, whatever. sakni, ktorg buat gathering rmai2 dpn laptop. nk kco org pkai FB &%#* @!#. woah ! best doe ! HAHA ;D tbe2 ad lipas terbang. pakat lari lahh sume. kco gle bhai ! plg lucu ble ad baso 3 in 1. " Abah, please katok the lipas ". pakat suko dekoh2 blako la weyy. HAHA ;D
